Wednesday, June 17, 2009

-The Street
"No book or imagination that I have ever known could prepare me for the personality I was set to inherit."

No need to imagine, Sir Truth is real; and while he may be hard to find, his consistent unpredictably tends to keep him in the streets. He is a constant mover and his movements are regarded as a kind of swagger.

Walking in the direction of the dark end of the street, late night swagger influenced each step of my feet, and as I made it to the place of the West Knox Warriors, my inspiration for today's post appeared:

The Corner which multiple attempts at robbery against me have occurred.
Why had the assailants never been successful?
Sir Truth is quick, true, but the reason now struck me in a very different light,
the darkest light.

Perhaps nothing can be taken from someone whose invested in such a way as Sir Truth.
My advice, "diversify yo bonds." Your best insurance is not having anything, but
if you do feel the need to carry your valued possessions, besta watch out!

Arthur Conley- Stuff You Gotta Watch


Anonymous said...

you're a mess foreal

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