Thursday, October 15, 2009

Into The Fray

From across the pond streaks the CozmikGangsta, jumping into the stream of conciousness perpetuated by his peers. The weather maybe turning colder, but the arrival of LaSweat in the early morning hours of tomorrow is sure to heat things up. With his guitar in tow, the Gangsta may dust off the ol' motion picture camera and try to muster a little magic.

The bike life has been good for the Cozmik One he ponders returning to the old world for more. While the land of cheese and wine is fruitful, he's excited for the grit and grime only a place like the Durty can offer. The artistic community and collaboration he longs for exists in the neighborhoods and local spots which remain unseen to the casual passerby.

With whispers of Central America on the wind, the CozmikGangsta ponders his next move, but is certain that he wants nothing more than to log some down time AND be productive in his portal with those he knows and trusts.

Johnnie Taylor - Rome (Wasn't Built In A Day)


VariousArtist said...

Welcome, Welcome, You're presence is much appreciated Cozmik.
I would like this site to feature your photographs as well as others around the world, when the capabilities allow for it.

These are the whispers that will reawaken the ODD mind and spirit.

It is time for this circle to grow...

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