Saturday, July 4, 2009

-4th of July Party
(Not exactly ODD, but the crew could dig it)
Sir Truth now has friends all over the world. Big up to the Gaston Lake crew, Fellows, and the heart burn that doesn´t come from too much booze. Know that Truth will always manage to keep the heart satisfied.

This particular occasion marks the celebration of our independence. ¨Only America the beautiful would send it´s brightest youth abroad.¨

Even in Guatemala, the American expressions of freedom could be heard. DJ spin another, those with talent show it, dancers dance, and let the breakers break. Ain´t no party like a volunteer party ´cause everybody gives it their all.

Truth is, I always knew how to dance, but there´s nothing like a little possum in order to get the indigenous to explain the art of Meringue.

Corn on the cob, Gallo, Cabro, Moza, and ´tater salad. Independence never felt so good, especially in the visceral 3rd world, where everything is pragmatically real.
Enjoy this one, not for me, but for freedom.

Ray Charles- America the Beautiful


Anonymous said...

VariousArtist said...

when will you be back?
this, you, and the entire experience has
caused quite a buzz.
how can i reach you?
Vamos a la Playa is undergoing a bilingual remix at this very moment,
you will be directed to it upon its completion...

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